
birth defects中文什么意思

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  • 出生缺陷胚胎发育紊乱引起的形态、结构、功能、代谢等方面的异常的统称
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  1. They also found a way to reduce these drug-caused birth defects .
  2. The analysis of birth defect in 12375 perinatal fetus
  3. Clinic analysis on 534 children wth birth defects at the age of
  4. Thalassemia family marriage and birth defect intervene
  5. Review on the trend of birth defect in 5 years


        birth:    n. 1.出生,诞生;生产,分娩。 2.出身,家系;血统 ...
        defect:    vi. 叛变;逃走。 He defected to th ...
        alcohol-related birth defects:    酒精相关的出生缺陷
        birth defects monitoring program:    出生缺陷监测系统
        may cause birth defects:    可能引致先天性缺陷
        severe birth defects:    严重的先天性缺陷
        teratogens and common birth defects:    致畸胎物和常见先天缺陷
        defects:    布疵; 缺陷; 瑕疵
        at a birth:    一胎
        at birth:    生下来时; 在出生时
        birth:    n. 1.出生,诞生;生产,分娩。 2.出身,家系;血统;门第,家世。 3.起源,开始。 4.〔古语〕产物,产儿。 the date of one's birth 生日。 A still [difficult] birth 死[难]产。 Five young at a birth 一胎产五仔。 A person of birth [of no birth ] 出身高贵[卑微]的人。 Of Grecian birth 希腊血统。 New birth再生,更生,复活,新生。 Birth is much, but breeding is more. 教养比门第更重要。 Kill the cases at birth 防微杜渐。 The birth of Protestantism 新教的起源。 By birth 1. 血统,出生于。 2. 生来,天生是 (She is French by birth and British by marriage. 她原是法国人,嫁给英国人就入英国籍了。 A musician by birth 天生的音乐家。 Be a Parisian by birth 生在巴黎)。 Give birth to 生,产生,引起,使发生 (give birth to twin girls 生下一对女双胞胎。 Give birth to a controversy 引起一场争论。 This town gave birth to many great men. 该城出了很多伟人)。
        by birth:    生来; 在出生上,论出身,按血统; 在血统上
        acrosomal defects:    顶体异常
        allowable defects:    容许靠
        annealing of defects:    缺陷退火
        beauty defects:    外观缺陷
        bodily defects:    身体缺陷
        buccal defects:    颊缺损
        bulk defects:    体缺陷
        cardiac defects:    心脏畸形
        chromosomal defects:    染色体异常
        classification of defects:    缺点分类; 缺陷的分类; 缺陷分类
        common defects:    毛衫常见疵点
        congenital defects:    先天性缺陷,调查先天性畸形
        cosmetic defects:    化妆瑕疵



  1. birth date 什么意思
  2. birth date,year of birth 什么意思
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  5. birth defect 什么意思
  6. birth defects monitoring program 什么意思
  7. birth differential 什么意思
  8. birth fracture 什么意思
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